Abrupt posts are the way to go.
Sunday, August 31, 2008 @12:21 PM
in my family, my mum is usually the one who expects great things from you. my dad who congratulates of whatever you have achieved. i came to an understanding so and the balance works out.
i have finally chosen the male and females to be on my sexiest character/actors list. now is a matter of narrowing it down to the top 10.
Saturday, August 30, 2008 @11:04 AM
watching WALL.E., well it was those type of movies that surprise you. i've enjoyed it, but mildly put it was artistically well made. and the concept was what is reflected of today's society. i especially love how the people who survived on automated chairs were shown as heavily overweight people.
not moving frequently = fat = unhealthy.
because those people were fat that when they took their first few steps out of the automated chair, they become so proud of themselves.
and i lost my wallet, which felt as though i lost my life and have to start rebuilding it.
Friday, August 29, 2008 @12:34 AM
at first glance,
Reaper might appear as another of those supernatural shows that we watch on television. well - it is, but with many additional uniqueness that makes Reaper my official favourite supernatural show. it's 8.4 stars on imdb and lives up to it's rating.
what i really love about it?
it's the fact that it covers
all controversial subjects. it's witty, humorous with lovable characters and reflects the human kind. it can be pretty offending but hey, it is a controversial series and one must watch it with an open mind where he or she must not be easily offended. it gives the word evil a whole new meaning and i gush at how the plot goes. i'm so awed by this show that i finished 18 episodes within five days.
my only complain?
well, it's how the season ended, but it's a terrific strategy to guarantee another season and for loving fans (like me) to return to it.
Thursday, August 28, 2008 @1:10 PM
i hang out with two groups of people who call ourselves 'the clique' and 'equalites,'
how original.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008 @11:36 PM
i think i nearly had a heart attack. you know how sometimes you send a message via sms and for some reason another your hand moved faster than your thoughts and you send your message to the wrong person. well, i nearly did but by some stroke of luck i prevented that. the curse of technology.
edited: 12.49AM.
i couldn't stand how i reinterpreted the story. i realised i was
insulting the author just by doing that. so, i'm just leaving the quote as such.
""A better man would be asking himself if he would jump for his son. And a good man would not need to ask." - Alliance, Lanning Cook (The Identical Series)
Sunday, August 24, 2008 @2:03 AM
sometimes, taking a 10 seconds break from the world can go a long way.
i'm inspired to write a novels of some sort. recently with the heavy reading of brilliantly written fiction over the net i feel my fingers itching to write a story of my own- except it never works out except the short little fics which i had written a few years back and have no clue whatsoever on grammar and good plots.
i have come to a realisation that good stories are plotted extensively with diagrams to allow the author to imagine in order for them to write. the best thing about fiction on the web is that they include a running commentary which enables us aspiring writers to learn from. the tips were most useful but i think i still have a difficult time trying to come up with a plot. the problem with me is that half of the time i write on impulse and halfway through an exciting part of the story i'm-stuck.
i guess that's why short stories suit me and well- added to the fact that i still get reviews on short little ficlets which i wrote when i was 12. despite the fact that it had no plot and just basically drabbles.
and now that i'm older, i guess the pressure is there to write better fiction and to get tons of feedback. i'm sure many of the authors i've read initially started out with little or no reviews at all, except their perseverance allowed them to continue and now they receive a respectable amount of (good) comments. of course, their profile certainly indicates they are much older than me and perhaps i shouldn't feel so small then.
okay, zong must remember she writes what she wants to write. but damnit, sometimes she is glaringly lazy.
sloth is going to be her downfall.
in other artistic aspirations, i think i'm going to change my layout. this time with the pictures i took with my camera so that when i enter privatehaven it won't have the boring colours of black and white. i think i'm finally out of
that phase. i'll probably put pictures as well of the surroundings i take with my camera, i realise i have some nice shots. i'll upload the photos that people have been bugging me for- soon.
Friday, August 22, 2008 @11:12 PM
aside from a crick on the neck, this week has reminded me i do have a social life aside from the glaring screen that blinds me.
i went drinking the for first time - well if you really count that as drinking- and i got to admit, i believe the human's tongue changes overtime as it matures to enable us to drink the bitter taste of alcohol. granted, what i drank wasn't much, but it was certainly an experience to see jane's face flushed red with with her neck warm despite the cool night. the bitter sweet taste of vodka and coke was something i probably won't pick again though, although the experience drinking three quarter of a typical whiskey glass was worth the shot. drinking was never a habit for me, and even the thought of tasting a Screwdriver (courtesy of jin, who recently brought it up) makes me grimace. but trying a different cocktail from what my family drinks brought new experience, and if i ever were go out with friends to drink, i'll probably pick the Blue Lagoon with it's crystal blue colours and the lemon squeeze.
of course if i were to feel adventurous, i'll probably try something new. and if i'm feeling really drunk, i'll perhaps try Bloody Mary- which, hearing the recipe just makes me wince.
it was said that pool is one of the most sensual game. i can see why, but the sport is engaging and remembrance why i pick it up in the first place took place the day before. granted, we perhaps talked and joke more then we actually played, but i love the game of pool and perhaps one day i'll invest a pool table when i do have extra cash to flow by.
the crick of the neck is probably the cost of
Smallville. although i practically quit towards the finale of season 1 as i read the spoilers and it irked me that Lex Luthor and Lana Lang was made a couple. it's irksome because they are almost a decade apart and they first met when Lana was barely
legal. and i really didn't like the fact that Lex and Clark were nemesis for i love the friendship between them. and the end of season 7 thrills me at the end although, strangely enough i do look forward to season 8 and will probably start from there.
for now, i'll content myself by reading the fanfiction available on the net where there are more favourable endings.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008 @12:02 AM
zong's life has been quiet ... for once. she supposed it is about damn time as well. she loves the perfect plan of waking up in mornings just lying in bed for a few seconds instead of groggily entering the bathroom to brush her teeth. she enjoys sitting back and watching the shows she wishes to see for the day, occasionally, she finds her old friends to catch up with and reprimands them for not keeping in contact even though she understands their busy schedule. she enjoys wondering what to eat for lunch and dinner and staying up way past midnight to catch her favourite shows and to not worry about the annoying alarm clock that rings at 7.30am in the morning. she also enjoys reading fiction in her spare time- for one who reads broadened their knowledge- and often finds herself googling/entering thefreedictionary.com to look up on words that she is not familiar with.
she loves the fact that her minds is less filled with worry now and she doesn't take everything to heart as she used to. she's proud that's she's grown and enjoys the relaxing time she has. she finds her temper is not as loose as before and her only constant struggle is her musical side whereby she remains insecure that she will not be able to
'feel'. she laughs at jokes others may not get but she enjoys the sound of laughter from anywhere at all. she yearns to be funny like others she had met and tries her best to cheer people up.
however, now that the creases on her forehead has lessened, she finds herself lightening up and enjoying the social contact more. she finds her peace in solitary as well for she enjoys things plain and simple as it brings.
in conclusion, zong enjoys being a pig.
for she is great at doing it.
the reason why zong decides to write as a third person today because- well just because she can. she enjoys control as much as the next person but sometimes she enjoys life as the way it is.
heart for we not seek the truth, for the truth belies in front of us.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008 @11:30 PM
i've just watched finished
Full Metal Jacket. it has really quirky humor and some disturbing themes. but all in all it was a rather good film and reminded me my love for war movies.
war brings out the ugly side of humans, and i think Full Metal Jacket really emphasise on the point. i remembered posting an entry where i talked about war and men especially the period of time when i went bat crazy over war movies. and i'm glad i've saved those entries so that i can look back and reflect on it now.
for a 1987 film, i am pretty impressed with the cinematography and the effects since it's comparable to films like Saving Private Ryan (1998) and Band of Brothers (2001). then again, i pretty much enjoy all war films i have seen in my life because there is something to say about the sound effects. especially the sound of guns cocking and the running footsteps of the soldiers. not to mention the team-spirit of a company or a platoon. blood and gore are part of it and i think i watched too much Band of Brothers because everytime somebody gets in injured in Full Metal Jacket, i'm shouting ''morphine! morphine!" and expect white powder to be poured onto the wound.
i'm also reminded why i have loved the marine corps ever since i learned about it, and well-
semper fi.
speaking of which, i've decided i am going to watch Band of Brothers again during the holidays because aside from being a genuine heroic story, i'm in love with all the characters, especially the mysterious Captain Ronald Speirs.
@8:45 PM
my first semester ends tomorrow and i've decided all in all, despite all the rush in projects, i've truly enjoyed my lessons. meeting new peers where we sing karaoke while in the midst of editing? priceless.
now... now it's time for a much needed break whereby i catch up with all my movies that i have borrowed and as quoted from debby's blog: enjoying
boredom; where i wake up everyday and wonder 'what am i going to do this day?' catching up with old friends that i have yet seen in a while, finding my place in this society and helping others in the new skills i have learnt recently so as not to forget them forever.
and right now, i'm going to watch my full metal jacket which i said i was going to watch a few days ago but never got the chance.
don't be a stranger folks!
Saturday, August 02, 2008 @7:17 PM
i've finally played guitar hero 3. damn, the game is really tiring. after a few songs, i crashed on jane's bed for an hour or so.

lolcats. my new favourite website.
Friday, August 01, 2008 @11:52 PM
i wonder why i care so much what people think about me although i try really hard not to. it's this stages when i feel whatever i do can't please others and still childishly want to lick people's boots all the time. i want to deflect that into jokes but sometimes it's hard because you just want to follow others and make others follow you. it's tough being in this society. you want to be in the trend and never to be left out and so because of that you're not enjoying life like you should. music used to be my passion and now it turns into a melancholy of letting people listen to what you have. i want to let out the pleasing about and anger go and once again enjoy life instead of impressing people all the time. i thought i got over the phase but supposed it was not all over as i thought it would be.
i'm growing back to my childish ways of insecurities but i believe i want to take the step up again where i become much more confident than i am before. life is always at turns, the up and downs of this sadistic life is the one that changes us. i don't feel so inspired now but maybe because i'm too worn out. i hope the inspiration comes soon and not so tragically tired and remember what i enjoy doing what i do. perhaps is the emotionally strung out concept of life where you wish you feel that all is well; but perhaps not, because there's something inside you that gets deeper everytime you set out to take a breath of fresh air.
and perhaps all in all this is another growing stage of life.
whereby tomorrow will look like a better day.
a heart by controlled words
singing to the lights
bringing down upon sunshine
midget tights
blimey, what is that?
the beating of freaking thuds
follow the walkway down to heaven
dear me,
is this my privatehaven?
@8:16 PM
imdb has recently changed their top 100 movies but i've decided to retain the list i had on July 1st since the most recent list i had watched most the shows in that. what's the fun in that? i'm going to watch watch full metal jacket tonight, can't wait because i bet it will be a roaring good show.